Blog Archives

The Press: an eclectic student publication

The Press is a new student-run publication founded by first-year Meagan Faller. Along with fellow Comparative Literature majors Garett Sutherland and John Pitre, Faller & contributors put together the monthly collection of news tidbits, fiction, photos, and whatever else they feel like. Adrian Glass-Moore reports. Aired 2/27.

Coffee course teaches science of brewing

A new, highly popular course in brewing coffee has taken UC Davis by storm this quarter. Students learn the science and technique of transforming coffee beans into delicious brew. Misha Berman reports. Aired 2/26.

New economics textbook

2009 bookstack 2
Professor Alan M Taylor is a famous expert in macroeconomics, the textbook he wrote is widely used in teaching. As the newest edition of the textbook is coming a few weeks later, he shared stories when he wrote the textbook. Sherry Zhu reports. Aired 2/25.

ASUCD elections results

The Aggie’s $3.88 fee per quarter passed, and Armando Figueroa was elected student body President. Delaney McCune brings you the results of the ASUCD Winter elections. Aired 2/24.

Zombie bees researched

Dr. John Hafernik, Professor at San Francisco State University, has been researching the phenomena of “Zombie Bees”. He discusses his research involving certain species of flies taking over the bodies of bees. Recent research has mentioned that “Zombie Bees” have been found in USA for the first time. Julie Ngo reports. Aired 2/20.

Bayanihan Clinic

Student run clinics are some of the most helpful volunteer organizations at UC Davis. One of these clinics, called The Bayanihan clinic, specifically caters to Filipino World War II veterans but has broadened their horizons in recent years. Joseph Bustos sits down with two members of the clinic to get their take on the changes and the state of the organization. Aired 2/17.


On February 10, 2014, ASUCD president Carly Sandstrom sits solemnly in an empty room across from the bookstore, attracting the attention and stares of many a passersby. This stunt, however, has been decided and planned since her entry into office. Reporter Mark de Dios interviews the president hours into her interview. Aired 2/14.

100th Picnic Day Preview

The 100th annual Picnic Day will be held April 12, 2014, and planning for this event has already begun. Julie Ngo interviews board members of Picnic Day to elaborate further on what this event is all about. Aired 2/12.