Our KDVS News reporter covers how students of UC Davis were recently on strike. On March 2nd 2015, UC Davis students gathered at the coffee house in order to call for 96 hours of action to combat tuition hikes.
Senator Carol Liu recently created a proposal for all cyclists to wear helmets. Our KDVS News reporter recently spoke with the legislative director of the Senator Liu’s office. More information about the proposal is discussed.
Our KDVS news reporter, Isabelle Bolla, covers the recent Meningitis case that occurred at UC Davis on February 23, 2015.
Image from: Huffington Post...
Consult Your Community is a new non-profit business organization on campus working towards engaging fellow students with community businesses. They are for the purpose of providing consulting services and give hands on experience in the business world.
Image from: Consult Your Community at UC Davis Facebook...
Active Minds Club is a chapter of a larger non-profit organization trying to reduce the stigma associated with suicide. The club is planning an event on April 27-28th where 1100 diplomas will be displayed on the West Quad to represent college students that take their own lives every year.
Our KDVS news reporter interviewed the president of the California Student Sustainability Coalition Davis Chapter, Madeline Oliver. Discussed are the club goals and activities, the Fossil free UC Campaign, and ways for students and community members to get involved.
Image from: www.sustainabilitycoalition.org/...
Some of our homeless are actually veterans. Why is it that the general public is not aware of this fact? What sort of help is available for our homeless veterans? Active students contributing to help our veterans speak about this subject.
Image from: thinkprogress.org/...
Our KDVS news reporter covers the March for Real Climate Leadership, a march to protest the practice of hydraulic fracturing in California.
Image from: Huffington Post...