Midtown Out Loud’s Re-Launch!
Midtown Out Loud’s Re-Launch on March 19th!
This March 19th, join us at the re-launch of MIDTOWN OUT LOUD, SacTown’s provocative, dynamic and uncensored venue for open mic poetry and acoustic performance. Be it spoken word, dub, 12-string, a cappella, your own material or another’s…come, play, read, earn bragging rights…and over a cup of coffee or a pint, be inspired, made to laugh and moved by Midtown’s art Out Loud.
Midtown Out Loud: Open Mic Poetry & Acoustics
* New Location: Shine (1400 E Street, Sacramento, CA)
* New Time: 7:30-10pm
* Re-Launch Date: March 19th (Moving forward, every first and third Wed)
* Same Hosts: Heather Anderson & Jen Just Jen
* Contact Info: (530) 902-3409